Child Parent Psychotherapy: What to Expect
Child-Parent Psychotherapy Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) is one of the most effective trauma therapies for children ages 0-6 who have experienced at least one traumatic event. Oftentimes, young children will respond to trauma with increased tantruming, clinginess,...
CBT for Anxiety and Depression
CBT for Anxiety and Depression Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment approach that centers on the understanding that one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are connected. In other words, it emphasizes that the way you think can influence...
Trauma Therapy CA Achieves HIPAA Compliance with Compliancy Group
Trauma Therapy CA Achieves HIPAA Compliance with Compliancy Group SUMMARY: Trauma Therapy CA has demonstrated compliance with federal HIPAA regulation by completing Compliancy Group’s proprietary 6-Stage HIPAA Risk Analysis and remediation process.Press Release:...
The Best Trauma Therapy for PTSD
The Best Trauma Therapy for PTSD How EMDR, CPT, and PE Therapy can help with PTSD Not all PTSD treatment is created equally. PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is a diagnosis with certain criteria that comprises one type of reaction to at least one...
Do Trauma Therapists Only Treat Trauma?
Therapy for Psychological Trauma versus Therapy for Stress
Trauma therapists do specialize in treating trauma. Conceptually however, trauma exists on a continuum from minor hassle to major catastrophe.